Project Details
Commercial Refrigerator Servo Hydraulic Polyurethane Fixture
In our project, we have developed a variable size automatic model change polyurethane fixture for industrial kitchen heaters and coolers. The purpose of the polyurethane fixture is to fix the product so that the product does not change its physical dimensions due to the forces formed during the chemical reaction of the polyurethane pressed into the body of the heater or coolers for insulation. These fixtures, which are used extensively in the white goods industry, need to be manufactured to withstand the forces formed in direct proportion to the surface area. For this reason, fixtures are generally manufactured with fixed hinges and fixed dimensions. The fixture developed within the scope of the project has the feature of adjustable size that can automatically change the size. Movable walls can withstand the counter forces created by the polyurethane with the braking systems developed within the scope of the project. Movable walls are driven by servo motors, so high precision positioning can be done. This product, which is a unique system with this feature, provides an increase in production efficiency due to its flexibility and shorter model change times.
Polyurethane Fixture.